
Learn the Key of E on Guitar {Hillsong Whole Heart Tutorial}


Learn the Key of E on Guitar {Hillsong Whole Heart Tutorial}

Has it seemed “unattainable” to learn songs on the guitar?

Or at least to learn them quickly and easily?

Chances are, you have worked on learning a song and you’ve been overwhelmed by the different sections, changing chords and more.

There ARE a lot of factors when it comes to learning the music you love…

However, there is one system that makes it infinitely easier to get started playing the music you love.

This system help you understand that every song is played in what’s called a “Key” of music.

From there, each “Key” is simply a group of notes, with very specific chords to be played.

Each Key has a “template” basically of the chords that will sound good when played in that key, making it easier than ever to learn songs in that key.

Today, we’ll be walking through the Key of E on Guitar and how with some simple understanding of it, you will be able to learn to play songs easier and quicker than you thought possible!

AND, we’re going to be applying this knowledge to learn the song, “Whole Heart (Hold Me Now)” from Hillsong!

If you’re ready to start learning songs easier than ever, and are ready to dive into this song, let’s get started!