
How to Properly Warm Up Your Voice


How to Properly Warm Up Your Voice

Hey guys! I’m excited to share a video with you guys today from one of our great coaches at RMC, Zach Norman. If you’re a singer, chances are you know that one of the best things you can do each time you sing is warm up before and cool down after. I’ve seen singers take their singing to new levels simply by adding in warm ups and cool downs to their event and daily routines. It truly can be a transformative practice if you stay diligent with it! But, if you’re like many singers, maybe you’ve never taken the time to get familiar with some practical ways to do this. That’s exactly why we wanted to have one of our coaches, Zach Norman, talk for a few minutes simply about vocal warm ups and some practical ways of practicing them. Take a couple minutes and check out the video below and let us know what you think! Best, Chris
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