Debbie Brink
September 13, 2024 2024-09-13 9:22Debbie Brink
Piano & Vocal Coach

Hello Piano Families!
My name is Mrs Debbie Brink and I am so excited to start your child on their piano journey!!! Making music and being a part of music has been my passion, my love and my calling since I was a young girl – and it still is today!
I started the Orchestra program here at North Cobb Christian School in 2000 and have been here pretty much ever since! I have taught private piano lessons, directed the general music program as well as the orchestra and in fact I just retired in 2023. I continue to love to help students in both orchestra and piano to enjoy the music experience! I especially love to help beginning students learn to play and make music, having fun each step of the way!
Music is a gift from God that can influence the mind, heart, body and soul! In fact, in the Bible, King Saul would ask for David to play the harp/music for him whenever he was stressed, angry, depressed, frustrated, etc. It would change his spirit and mood. Music is meant to bring us joy and delight and we can worship God with it!
As a teacher, I know how important practice is! Your child will learn new things at each lesson and they will need to practice those things at home regularly. A fellow teacher friend of mine always said that students should practice on the days that they eat – Haha! Truly, students need to make time to practice about 4 – 5 days a week, for 10 – 15 minutes. They will need your help and support with this as well – planning their best time to sit at the piano and practice.
As a parent and grandparent, I know how important YOU are in this process as well! They need your help – even if you are not the least bit musical, your support, your encouragement, your clapping when they finish a song – all will show them that they are doing GREAT and making progress! I even suggest that they teach YOU what they learn each week – just have fun for a few minutes a day with your child at the piano and they will not only learn to play but they will love it!!!
I look forward to seeing your child at their lesson each week. I will have everything they need at the first lesson: piano folder, their piano book and flashcards. I have had success with students putting their piano things in a lightweight drawstring bag inside their regular school backpack. Please help them to bring this important folder each week for their lesson. Feel free to reach out with any questions I have not answered.
Debbie Brink