Jordan Locke
January 4, 2023 2023-09-03 9:25Jordan Locke
Vocal Coach

I was raised on a small farm in Mississippi where I would sing at the top of my lungs as a child. My Mom will say I was born singing. My formative years found me using singing as a way to cope with some difficult life circumstances. After graduating high school, I studied vocal performance at Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi. I found myself thrust into a new world of music that I had never experienced. It was in college where I first began voice lessons and learning how to actually use my voice.
Any singer will tell you that the voice is a very personal thing so it takes a lot of courage to allow another person to influence it. Thankfully I had a fantastic voice teacher who met me where I was and gave me the tools to grow. I found myself singing in choirs, operas, and musicals, along with my solo repertoire. These experiences allowed me to begin the hard work of getting to know my voice.
It was at Belhaven University where I met my best friend then, now my best friend and wife, Corina. When I wasn’t singing we were cultivating a beautiful friendship that blossomed into a romantic relationship our senior year of college. Once we graduated in 2018, I followed Corina to her hometown of Miami, FL. It was there we were married and lived until I felt the call to pursue seminary training.
January of 2021, we found ourselves moving to Fort Worth, TX so that I could pursue a Master of Music in Worship Leadership. It was in this program that I not only learned and cultivated a deep understanding and love for biblical worship, but also where I was honing my craft as a singer. Through the fantastic teaching of Dr. Ben Caston my voice has never been better. It is because of teachers like him that I love to work with other singers to help them understand and utilize their voices well. Students who have a love of singing and want to learn everything they can about how to sing well and sustainably are students that will continue to break barriers and flourish.
I currently serve on the worship team of Watermark Community Church in Fort Worth, TX.
I look forward to the opportunity to coach and grow with you!