Maybe you’re like so many of our students who learned to read music when you were younger…
But stopped playing because you lost interest in the music.
You were never allowed to play the music you really loved and wanted to play.
And consequently, now have regret that you did not stick with it.
Well, I have good news for you!
As I said earlier, today is YOUR day!
Today, we’re going to break down the layout of the piano in the simplest form possible…
Today, we’re going to help you understand the easiest, most simple key known to music…
Today, YOU are going to learn to play the song “Come to the Table” from Sidewalk Prophets on piano!!!
You ready??
Now, you may be a little skeptical of my promise to you here.
I can certainly understand how you would feel this way given your past experiences.
However, I’ve helped close to ONE THOUSAND students learn to play their favorite worship songs on piano with this exact same method I’m about to show you here today.
You’re going to learn the foundations of music through a concept called the Nashville Number System.
No longer will the piano look like a bunch of random notes..
No longer will you ONLY be able to read music…

But, after today, you’ll be able to step into playing worship music on the piano!
AND, I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.
I know you’re ready!! Let’s do this! Click on the video above and as you go through reach out if you need anything!
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